Books by/Böcker av Christer Bergström




Arnhem 1944 - Slaget om Holland - nu har Del 2 kommit!

Se även Därför behövs en ny bok om "Market Garden"


Tyska flygare under andra världskriget

- veteranernas berättelser, del 1




No - it is not the author on the photo!

A veteran from the Ardennes Battle. Cornelius (Neil) French, Jr. was in the 4th Armored Division, 37th Tank Battalion, C Company. The 37th Tank Battalion was led by the famous tank commander Lieutenant Colonel Creighton W. Abrams (who gave the name to the Abrams tank), and fought its way through to Bastogne in December 1944. A true hero. It's an honour to have such a photograph. (Image: Erin-Caitlin Rinker.)

Cornelius T. French Jr. "Neil", "The Chef" of Langhorne, PA, died on December 13, 2015. RIP. Thank you so much for your service and your sacrifice for a world for free people! You will not be forgotten!


Ardenneroffensiven 1944-1945


The Ardennes 1944-1945: Hitler's Winter Offensive -


Book launch in the Ardennes 11-14 December 2014


Edición en español: Ardenas - la batalla


Böckernas bok om Operation Barbarossa!



The book of the books on Operation Barbarossa!



Slaget om England


The Battle of Britain: An Epic Conflict Revisited


Book launch at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum, 15 September 2015


The Black Cross/Red Star series

will be published again by Vaktel Förlag from 2018 and onward - including volumes 4 and 5!



Berömda flygaress och deras plan





Följ med på

Militärhistoriska VIP-RESOR

Nuts Weekend i Ardennernas 13-17 december 2018

med Christer Bergström

7 juli – 14 juli 2019


Auschwitz och Krakow - valfria datum!


Se fler planerade resor här


Websites for other books by Christer Bergström

Bagration to Berlin: The Final Air Battles in the East 1944-1945
Ace Profile No 1 - Hans-Ekkehard Bob (JG 54) Ace Profile No 2 - Max-Hellmuth Ostermann (JG 54)
JAGDWAFFE Vol.3 Section 2: Barbarossa - The Invasion of Russia June-December 1941 JAGDWAFFE Vol.3 Section 4: The War in Russia January-October 1942
JAGDWAFFE Vol.4 Section 3: War in Russia November 1942- December 1943 JAGDWAFFE Vol.5 Section 2: War in the East 1944-1945
Deutsche Jagdflugzeuge 1939-1945  

Andra världskriget - så man förstår: En sida för skolelever om andra världskriget


Boken Hitlers underhuggare av Christer Bergström

Läs ett provkapitel ur Hitlers underhuggare här

Läs mer om Hitlers underhuggare här


Bokrecensioner - Book reviews

On-line reviews on books featured on this site

Erratas for Christer Bergström's books


Veterans' Corner

Photos of some of the Old Bold Pilots I've met since 1974




Vaktel Förlag



This website is dedicated to the memory of my friend Günther Rosipal, 1957 - 2001.

Tribute to Günther Rosipal


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